To the Editor,

Thanks to all of you that I come in contact with for your kindness, friendliness, and respect directed to me personally. I am sure others may have the same expressions in this city. Where ever I am, I notice people of every race showing kindness toward each other.

As a citizen, an American-born Negro, this particular issue bothered me — when men would look at you and let the door shut in your face. I am referring to men who did not have respect for women. Now I am experiencing kindness and respect from these men.

I feel change, I see change, and I am grateful for Lumberton, progress, humility, and their neighborly actions. Let us face the truth: Lumberton has problems, and as citizens of this great city, we are strong. We can fix the problems if we stand together. I believe this great city of North Carolina will be the example for other cities and states if we stand together.

We can fix what is wrong. Put our politician to work, make phone calls, email, text, Facebook, and twitter. Remember those promises that were made to you? Flood their office each day with an overflow of calls.

Lumberton has come too far to see it doubling backward.

Each day we are offered a new beginning, opportunities, and favor.

If you refuse to see with your eyes, let your heart see for you. Let compassion speak for you. Let love stand up for you. Let knowledge take those steps you need, and let wisdom lead you through the door.

Herlyn Mack
