LUMBERTON — Lumberton Junior High School was awarded a $1,000 grant to support STEM learning.

“Thanks to David Causey, our STEM Engineer partner, Lumberton Junior High STEM Club received a DiscoverE’s 2023 Bell Girl Day award of $1,000,” said Phyllis King, a Career and Technical Education teacher at the school.

“It’s very important for our kids to see STEM and to experience STEM because those are the jobs of now and the future,” King said.

STEM provides an opportunity for students to learn and develop into tomorrow’s engineers, she said.

“The goal of this grant is to take a group of girls on a field trip that will include stops at UNC Charlotte to visit the Sustainability Officer, Mike Lizotte, and Lee College of Engineering professor Yamilka Baez-Rivera; and to Camp North End,” said David Causey, a retired engineer who is a STEM mentor to students.

“Camp North End was the model redevelopment project used in last year’s ‘Girls Who Game’ competition. Our team learned much about the project from a female engineer working there. This will be a great experience for our girls,” Causey added.

“We want our students to not just dream but to experience the possibilities of careers today,” King said.